Wind Chill table

In 1985 a new way to account for the efect of the wind on temperature was developed blah blah Ut wisi enim adminim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputat
click here if you prefer a farenheit/mph table

  Temperature (°C)
Wind Speed (km/h)   0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50
80 -20 -28 -36 -44 -52 -60 -68 -76 -84 -92 -100
70 -19 -27 -35 -43 -51 -59 -67 -75 -83 -91 -99
60 -19 -26 -34 -42 -50 -58 -66 -73 -81 -89 -97
50 -18 -25 -33 -40 -48 -56 -63 -71 -79 -86 -94
40 -16 -23 -31 -38 -45 -53 -60 -68 -75 -82 -90
30 -13 -20 -27 -34 -41 -48 -55 -62 -70 -77 -84
20 -10 -16 -23 -29 -35 -42 -48 -55 -61 -68 -74
10 -3 -9 -15 -20 -26 -31 -37 -42 -48 -53 -59

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