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Funatsu Keizo

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Websites : L'Humanité / L'Humanité 1 / Image CNC-CRAC (pdf format, french) / PBS / / Will Steger / / Annuaire du Cinéma (french)

Keizo Funatsu was a member of the famous TransAntarctica Expedition set by Jean-Louis Etienne (1989-90) : from the Antarctic Peninsula to the russian research base of Mirny. They were six men : Jean-Louis Etienne, France, Will Steger, USA, Victor Boyarsky, USSR, Geoff Somers, Great Britain, Keizo Funatsu, Japan and Dahe Qin, China. They departed on Juyly 28th 1989 the Antarctic Peninsula ans reached Mirniy on March 3rd 1990 after having covered 6400 km within 7 months.