Fiona Thornewill

Monday January 26th
Fiona is waiting at the south pole for his husband Mike. He is leading another expedition, "Shackleton's Unfinished Journey", which along with some polar first-timers, will be attempting to cover the final 97 miles that the famous explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton never managed during his attempt to reach the South Pole in 1907.
Read more / Communiqué 10

Monday January 19th
Although Rosie is back at Patriot Hills and await the next flight for Punta, Fiona is staying at the Pole to welcome her husband party - they had to cover the last wxo degrees. He should be there soon.
Read more / Communiqué 9
Monday January 12th
Fiona arrived at SP saturday night around 11pm. Mary: It's been an even busier day than usual here. We have acknowledged over a 100 congratulatory messages, answered numerous phonecalls, and entertained the Media in droves. We are now waiting desperately for pictures from the Pole, and trying to make time slots for Fiona to talk to the hungry media. You will be pleased to know she was warmly welcomed at Amundsen-Scott Base, and that she was sheltering in a 'Drillers' hut when she phoned us. Only minus 28C outside she said.Fi. sounded in excellent spirits, and said she felt very well, although tired and overwhelmed by her achievement. She described her experience walking towards the Polar Dome in cloud, when she emerged into sunshine for the last few hundred metres to the actual POLE. She told us she called out as she reached the South Pole: " Mike, I don't believe I've done this, - so surreal and very emotional!"
Read more / Communiqué 8 /
Wednesday January 7th
Mary: Fiona continues to battle her way to the pole, but we have no idea of the current environment. We read of other expeditions avoiding crevasses and the 'wrong sort of snow', we can only guess that she is experiencing similar conditions - but without the ability to comment! As you see, Mike and the Team are held up in Punta awaiting suitable flying weather. We feel quite frustrated today, since every day's delay for Mike, is an extra day for Fi. to wait to rendezvous. She is in 'blissful ignorance!' Joking apart, we are very concerned that Fi. is getting the rough end of the Antarctic - which has it's own rules. We hope she can sense the many good wishes and loving support that are being sent through cyber-space. God bless Fiona, and keep her safe.
Read the communiqué 7 / from day 35 - Saturday January 3rd -> day 38 - Tuesday January 6th

Friday January 2nd
Mary & Roger: Being unable to talk to Fiona, we have to interpret the figures from the Argos tracker - one of which is the local temperature. This was today:We were concerned that it was Fiona's coldest sleeping time yet, showing minus 15C in her tent. As the sun rose, it improved to minus 8.5C. Suddenly at 07.30 local time temp. was +3.5C then to +9C by 08.30. (We think she had a Newyear's Morning Party!)
As Fiona struck camp, temp dropped immediately to + 5C and as the day moved on, back to minus by mid day. The temp rose suddenly at 15.00 local as Fiona 'lunched', then varying about minus 2-4C to the end of her travelling day...
Read the communiqué 6 / from day 30 - Monday December 29th -> day 33 - Thursday January 1st
Monday December 29th
Mike (15:40 GMT): Fiona is moving south - unknown difficulties at this time.
Mike (14:30 GMT): Fiona is again transmitting 'code 34' - technical difficulties. Still not sure what she means. No progress seen at this time.
Mike (14:00 GMT): 'Fiona is presently transmitting 'code 187' meaning sat. phone problem. This is Fiona's way of telling us, she's up and about - but would like to call in. If we could speak, I'd have some amazing messages to give. Fi has received 'inspired' and 'inspiring' emails from all over. One in particular, a girl age 8, who said: "Dear Fiona, thank you for giving me the courage to say 'no.' My friends wanted me to do something I didn't want - so I thought of you, and said no. I feel happier now." Fiona's had a few more celeb emails too: Pen Haddow, John Regis, Roger Black, Chris Moon, Sally Gunnell, Mike Noel Smith, John McCarthy and Rosie and William Stancer.
Read the communiqué 5 / from day 19 - Thursday December 18th -> day 29 - Sunday December 28th
Here are the press communiqués published on her website/ Fiona arrived together with the other expeditions at Patriot Hills on Sunday November 30th.
As Fiona's positions are not published yet, we'll follow so far her progression by publishing the press communiqués listed on her website.
Display the Communiqués 1 / from day 1 : Sunday Nov 30st -> day 5 - Thursday Dec 4th
Display the communiqués 2 / from day 6 : Friday Dec 5th -> day 12 - Thursday Dec 11th
Display the communiqués 3 / from day 13 : Friday Dec 12th -> day 15 - Sunday Dec 14th
Display the communiqué 4 / from day 16 : Monday Dec 15th -> day 18 - Wednesday Dec 18th
See on our map a statement published by Fiona's team (and Mike Thornewill, her husband) explaining why her positions are not and will not be published on her site.