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Sustainable Development CONTENTS
UN site for Sustainable Development is only a part of United Nations
official website. Two years after Rio, in April 1994, the first global conference on sustainable development and the implementation of Agenda 21 - the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States - was convened in Barbados. The conference highlighted the economic and ecological vulnerabilities of small island developing States (SIDS) and, through the adoption of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, it set forth specific policies, actions and measures to be taken at the national, regional and international levels in support of the sustainable development of SIDS. At
the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)
in See also the preparations of the Rio+10, The World Summit on Sustainable Development to be held in Johannesburg in 2002 (unknown date yet)
It is led by a body of 18 Members, drawn from the world's political, business, scientific and non-governmental communities. Sixteen eminent world leaders serve as Honorary Members, and an 18 member Earth Council Institute functions as an advisory board. Three fundamental objectives have guided the work of the Earth Council since its inception: 1/
to promote awareness for the needed transition to more sustainable and
equitable patterns of development
to encourage public participation in decision-making processes at all
levels of government
3/ to build bridges of understanding and cooperation between important actors of civil society and governments worldwide
1992 Earth Summit recommended the active participation of citizens
along with governments in implementation of the Rio agreements. Since
then, more than 70 countries have established some form of a multi-stakeholder
participatory body, referred to here as National Councils for Sustainable
Development (NCSDs), to promote and implement sustainable development
at the national level. Discover
the OmCED (International Ombusdman Center for the Environment and
Development) created by both the Earth Council and the World Conservation
Union (IUCN) for the prevention and resolution of conflicts pertaining
to environment, natural resources and sustainable development with
an international or a trans-boundary dimension, click
work in partnership with educators, governments, and teaching institutions
to determine specific development education needs, design, develop
and disseminate tools and resources for teachers that meet those needs
including print-based materials, audio and video materials, CD-ROM
and our website, facilitate the exchange of ideas, information, expertise,
resources, and best practice, and
The Development Education Program is part of the World Bank Institute (WBI). The World Bank Institute is the learning arm of the World Bank and helps member countries achieve the goals of equitable and sustainable development by helping them design and implement better policies and programs. To this end, WBI facilitates a learning dialogue on development through structured exchanges of ideas and experiences among people around the world. In addition to its traditional learning products and publications, WBI is also exploring new learning approaches made possible by emerging technologies. UIte a lot of usefull tools in this site to explore the world of Sustainable Development (Learning Modules, for instance), good basic information such as (Gross National Product, GNP), a complete glossary