Alain Hubert and Dixie Dansercoer will each take two pairs of Dynastar
skis with them. One pair is designed for use when sliding with the
parafoils and the other are cross-country skis with a thin layer
of self-adhesive fur on the base (for walking). These are much thinner
and longer than the first pair. The advantage of having two pairs
of skis is obvious: having a pair to change onto in case of a problem
(remember Didier Goetghebuer had broken one of his skis about two
weeks before reaching the North Pole) and to quickly change over
skis without having to unstick the self-adhesive fur covering the
heel each time.
As for the bindings, the type used are "Telemark", which
are made and sold in Norway by Rotofella (A412 model); an adapter
has been added to allow good circulation at the tip of the shoe.