



Dossier : Introduction / The two steps
of Expedition /
Organizers and participants / Goals
of the Expedition /
Expedition Centre
"ARCTIC" activity

generations of explorers tried to reach high latitudes. The magical
strength of polar attraction did not leave the mind of these fearless
men. The desire to reach the North Pole, to walk along the limits
of the continents an beyond, to find new ways to link the new an the
old world did not leave alone entire generations of travellers. Norwegians
and Danes, Russians and Americans, English and Italians, and many
more, through incredible difficulties, risking their lives, were walking
into the unknown, in order to lay on maps new uncharted territories,
in order to open new roads, linking continents and seas, in order
to maybe as well meet new civilisations.

contribution of Russia to the discovery of new northern grounds, their
study and exploitation is invaluable. The names of the first travellers
and explorers are known to the whole world. They have entered history
and are present on every geographical map.Their
presence brings pride about our national heroes.
best of humanity's sons have given to reaching these goals many years
of their lives.
Many have found, on these savage grounds, their last resting place.
It is our modern duty to keep their names in our memory and in the
memory of generations to come. William Barents, Vitus Bering, Simon
Chelyuskin, Hariton Laptyev, Simon Dejnev, Eric Nordensheld, Eduard
Toll, Vladimir Russanov, Georgy Sedov, Gregory Ushakov, Ivan Papanin,
and tens, and hundred more, who by their altruistic endeavour have
brought our motherland worldwide fame and respect , in the area of
study and exploration of northern latitudes.
Expedition project "POLAR RING" is the following step in
the Complex International Expedition program "Meeting the XXI
Century", dedicated to a historical event in which participate
all the habitants of the planet in this new Millennium.
Expedition is conducted under the United Nation's flag, and is the
practical contribution of the organisers, of the participants and
of all those who have supported it, to the program "Dialog Between
Civilisations" accomplished by the initiative and under the supervision
of the United Nations.
on the border between Millenniums, the organisers of the project "POLAR
RING" have the intention to walk in the steps of the first explorers,
going through the same ways, in order to link all the northern continents
by the thread of one route, that will cross the most difficult Arctic
regions of Europe, Asia and America. It will become a sort of relay
between millenniums, symbol of a "Dialog between civilisations",
a program supported by the United Nations.
case of success, the Expedition will become the first round the world
arctic trip, accomplished by ground vehicle!
taken part in several polar expeditions, twice, and in some cases,
three times, the participants have crossed from the continent to the
North Pole on skis, for the first time in the world they have autonomously
crossed from Russia to Canada on a transpolar route , through the
North Pole geographical point. They have a very significant experience
in accomplishing autonomous crossing on skis in conditions of drifting
arctic ice, and Antarctic, the members of the expedition team of the
Expedition Centre "Arctic" (Russia), have set this challenging
expedition project polar ring will be implemented in two stages :
stage - March / June 2002.
15th of march starting from the town of Salihard, the travellers in
a number of 10 to 12 people, on four all terrain pneumatic vehicles
will set off on a route lying as follows:
Salehard - Obskaya lip - Island Dixon - Archipelago Severnaya Zemlya
- North Pole - Cap Morris Jessup (Greenland) - Island of Ward Hunt
(Canada) - village of Resolute.
participants to the expedition have the intention to cross a distance
of 6000 km, of which more than 2500 km on drifting ice of the Arctic
This route will link the eastern and western hemispheres. Having crossed
from Europe to Asia and then to Northern America through one of the
most forbidding point of the planet the North Pole.
Second Stage - March / June 2003
in two teams of 6 to 8 people on two or three pneumatic all terrain
vehicles each.
Having started in the region of Tixi, they will move forward along
the shoreline of the Arctic Ocean.
The first group will set of to the East, having crossed the Bering's
straight, it will reach the shores of Alaska, and go further towards
the Canadian archipelago, finishing in the village of Resolute.
The second group will set of to the west, around the Islands of New
Sibiria, the peninsula of Taimyr, the peninsula of Yamal, and will
finish in the town of Arhangelsk.
way the travellers will close their route around the borders of the
Arctic Ocean, along the whole of Russian shores, along the shores
of Alaska, along the Islands of the Canadian Archipelago, along the
Glacier shield of Greenland, and having crossed the point of the North

le polarcab
movement on the route will be performed on pneumatic all terrain vehicles
"POLARCAB" invented and constructed by ourselves. Prototypes
of which have been successfully tested in 1999 and 2000 on the South
Pole, on a route ending on the point of the South Pole.
All the equipments used by the travellers are constructed using the
latest technologies and materials and are the conclusion of a long
and careful study and the result of their experience of many years
accumulated during numerous arctic trips and expeditions.
To determine their exact location and coordinates the travellers will
be using state of the art navigation equipment, allowing the use of
the satellites of the global positioning system (GPS). For safety
will be also used the global satellite rescue system COSPAS-SARSAT.
For the first in polar expedition practice a constantly functioning
the Radio station of the Expedition Centre "ARCTIC" will
be set up. The call sign will be R3CA/0 on amateurs band and with
a call sign "TOROS" for work on 4717 and 7317 kHz.
Installation of satellite equipment allowing to work on internet and
transmission of real time video information on the expedition, should
be provided as well.

Expedition organizers and participants
expedition project "POLAR RING" is set as part of the international
complex program "Road to the Third Millennium" by the Public
fund of support for expedition activities "ARCTIC".
The program is supported by Council of the Russian Federation, the
Duma (Parliament) of the Russian Federation, The Ministry of emergency
situations, the governmental committee for physical culture and tourism
of the Russian Federation, the Association of Russian Polar Explorers,
the Russian Geographic Society and other organizations.
honorary President of the organisation committee has been appointed
the Vice-Spiker of the Russian Federation Parlament, Hero of the Soviet
Union, President of the Association of Polar Explorers of Russia,
Arthur N.Chilingarov.
Expedition program is directed by the President of the Expedition
Centre "ARCTIC", current member of the Russian Geographic
society, President of the Russian chapter of the Explorers Club (USA),
Honoured Master of sports, Vladimir Chukov; and by the Vice-President
of the Expedition Centre "ARCTIC", master of sports, several
time world champion in skydiving, Eugene Bakalov. The
work on the project is being conducted by such Governmental and private
organisations and entities as:
International Union of public associations "Perspective World";
Ministry of the Russian Federation for Emergency Situations
Governmental Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Cultur
Federal Service of Aviation Transport of the Russian Federation
Scientific and experimental institute or the Arctic and Antarctic
Russian Geographical Society
Association of Russian Polar Explorers
Russian Cultural Fund
Governmental Scientific and Experimental Institute of Military Medical
of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian federation
Institute of Human Survival Problem
OOO Redaction of the news paper "Polar Circle"
Legal consultancy agency "Dakost- Trust"
Scientific and Production company "BASK"

of the expedition
To achieve, for the first time in the history of polar exploration,
a round the world route, along the northern polar circle, along the
shores of the Arctic Ocean, using original pneumatic all terrain vehicles
of our own conception. The route has to pass through the toughest and
most isolated regions of the Russian far north, cross the Bering's straight,
along the shores of Alaska, along the Canadian Archipelago and Greenland,
and then reach the Russian shores again passing through the point of
the geographic North Pole
To conduct a big information and advertisement campaign to the benefit
of the sponsors of the expedition program "POLAR RING".Ø
To conduct research and logging tasks in order to create a comprehensive
record of all historical and natural monuments of the Russian North
To conduct full scale testing of the pneumatic all terrain vehicles;
necessary to be able to give fact based conclusions on the exploitation
of the all terrain in the extreme conditions of the Arctic. Allowing
their modification to the benefit of their characteristics, or to the
extension of their range of use, as an alternative, ecologically not
dangerous, mean of transport for far Northern regions.
To conduct scientific fact finding observations and surveys in route
according to the scientific program " Ecology of the Planet",
created by the specialists of the Moscow State University and the Institute
of Earth Geography.
To create a video serial, edit a high quality photo album, and write
a book, telling the story of one the biggest Polar expedition undertaken
in the beginning of the XXI century, about the history and present reality
of the Arctic, about the people living along the shores of the most
forbidding Ocean on Earth, about the organisers and the participants,
of this polar around the world trip and also the companies and men who
have supported the expedition and have assisted in its realisation.
To conduct a complete array of medico-psychological analysis in order
to create a theoretical and practical base to protect life, health and
professional work capacity of man under extreme conditions (according
to the programs of the Institute of survival of Man and of the governmental
Scientific Research and Testing Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine
of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation).
To conduct public and humanitarian actions according to the program
"A Drug Free Planet" and "Dialog Between Civilisations",
accomplished under the supervision of the United Nation
the 23rd of April 2002, on the day of the tenth anniversary of the presence
of the Russian flag on the North Pole to hoist it again
on the top of the planet.
Centre "ARCTIC" activity
Center "ARCTIC" (E.C.A.) was found in 1992 on the basis of
eponymous science-sport expedition, which have arranged and conducted
expeditions to most remote and difficult regions of the planet to Far
East of Russia, including Arctic Ocean area and Antarctic south hemisphere
high latitudes.
E.C.A. was found by Russian Geographic Society Moscow Regional Center
and Russian Polar Explorer Association.
since 1982, E.C.A. arranged difficult, in some cases even unique ski
trips for well physically trained, brave people fond of adventures.
One of main specifics of such expeditions is maximum group activities
autonomy on the route. Participants could depend only on their own affords
and food/ equipment stock they took from the start.
these years E.C.A. route groups skied through more than 30 000 kilometers
across Arctic coast, islands, archipelagos and Arctic Ocean drift ice.
In only "Arctic" ski expedition more than 250 people took
part. 24 of them reached the North Pole on skies, some of them - twice.
the 23 of April 1992, in terms of First Parachute-Ski Expedition "Rainbow
above the Pole", for the first time in the history of North Pole,
Russian flag was raised.
In 1994, for the first time in the world practice of polar expeditions,
the whole team of 8 skiers reached the North Pole in absolutely autonomous
regimen of travelling - that became a Russian team world record.
In 1998 "Arctic" Center route group succeeded in overwhelming,
difficult ski transition from Russian coastline to Canada through North
Pole spot. That became a new world achievement of Russian explorers
-members of "Arctic" Expedition Center, estimated by specialists
in extreme trips and world sport society as most unique expedition of
the XX century .
1997, A.C.A. were developing new means of transport - 6 wheel-drive
cross-country vehicles with extra-low-pressure tires "POLARCADB".
Those vehicles received deserved approval on the results of examination
in Arctic, 1996-98 and from that time on were widely used during Arctic
and Antarctic expeditions.
1999, Center expanded the field of their activities. Famous sportsmen
- skydivers, balloters, divers, admirers of non-traditional sport activities
as well became its members. All these people have rich experience in
arranging huge, complex expeditions. They conducted three parachute
expeditions to the North Pole in 1997, 1998, 1999, first in the North
Pole history balloons and para-motors flying, they arranged underwater
diving of skin-divers and other large-scale public-sport actions.
December 1999 - January 2000 the Center arranged and conducted the
first large-scale non-governmental Antarctic expedition, called "Meeting
XXI Century". As a result, during the expedition row of world records
were made: such as mass parachute landing in Antarctic near Patriot
Hills, first in the history of Antarctic balloon flying, speed 10 day
cross country vehicle transition on the route from Patriot Hills to
South Pole and back to Patriot Hills, first flying on balloon over the
South Pole mark, installation of orthodox cross at the South Pole spot,
honoring 2000 Christianity Anniversary, etc. Results
of "Meeting XXI century" Antarctic expedition were highly
marked by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.
In April 2000, International parachute expedition to the North
Pole "North Pole - 2000" was conducted successfully, members
of Ukraine National Parachute Team took part in it. In terms of expedition
under-water diving of Moscow State University skin-divers Club members
was arranged. Flying on AN-28 on the route: Kiev - Moscow - Hatanga
- Severnij island - ice base - North Pole. Successful testing of AN-28
In June 2000, due to affords of the Center, transcontinental
flight to Siberia - Alaska on LI-2 plane was arranged and was called
"Following father's roads" on the lend-lease route: Moscow
- Ufa - Krasnoyarsk - Kirensk - Yakutsk - Seimchan - Anadir - Nom -
activities received blessing from Russian Patriarch Alexie-II, were
also supported by famous Russian travelers, polar explorers and scientists:
Arthur Chilingarov, Yuri Senkevitch, Vitally Volovitch, Igor Zotikov,
Valerie Lukin and others.
Repeatedly, Center's activities were highly appreciated by world famous
foreign travelers such as Thor Heyerdahl (Norway), Edmund Hillary
(New Zealand), Geoff Sammers (Great Britain), and others.The
Center tightly co-operate with science and research organisations,
Russian Federation Emergency Ministry, Russian Air-transport Service
Rescue Center, Russian Antarctic Expedition, Moscow State University,
Aircraft and Space Medicine Institute and other bodies and organisations.
All Centers' activity aim travelling promotion, video production based
upon unique expedition film-materials. Center provides assistance
on expedition arrangements in Russia and abroad.List
of candidates team members for the Expedition project
"POLAR RING" (The Team)
The route team will be of 12 members. The candidates are:
- Vladimir
CHUKOV (Russia, Moscow) Expedition Director,
- Eugene BAKALOV (Russia, Moscow) Vice-Director, video-operator,
- Igor SMILEVETS ( Russia, Saratov) Vice-Director logistics,
- Oleg VASSILIEV (Russia, Moscow) Vice-Director technical aspects,
- Alex VLASSOFF (France) Vice-Director Media relations, reporter,
representative of the " GAMMA press images " agency,
- Alexander BORISEVICH (Byelorussia Republic, Minsk) Mechanic, Photographer,
- Vyacheslav GOSSUDAREV (Russia, Moscow) Mechanic,
- Leonid SAFONOV (Russia, Moscow) Mechanic,
- Valery SUSHKOV (Russia, Lipetsk) Radio operator, Photographer,
- Vitaly MAZURKEVICH (Byelorussia Republic, Minsk) Chief Mechanic,
- Victor YAROVOY (Russia, Moscow) Doctor,
- Pavel VELICHKO (Russia, Moscow) Navigator
candidacy for the Expedition route team have to be submitted
before 15th October 2001.Address of the Organisation committee:117246,
Moscow, P.O.B. 40, Russia
Regional public fund of support for expedition activities
"ARCTIC" of the Russian Geographic Society (Expedition
Centre "ARCTIC")
Tel / fax: (7) (095) 122 61 54, (7) (095) 256 09 70
Mobile: (7) (095) 136 94 35; (7) (902) 169 54 40
E-mail: Chukov@arctica.msk.ru; Bakalov@online.ru
Director of the Expedition program
President of the Expedition Centre "ARCTIC"
Honoured Master of Sports
Vladimir CHUKOV |
document has been signed by the Vice-President
of the " Expedition Centre ARCTIC "
Master of sports, Eugene Bakalov
