The maps have been realized with Flash 5
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- The map Brussels - Starting point
This map shows the itinerary of the travel of the Expedition from Brussels to the New Siberian Islands. Numerous geographical names of the Arctic zones (sees, straits, etc.) that one has learned once in the past.

Size : 620/840 px
71 KB

- A general map of the Arctic Ocean With the route the Expedition will follow and also some superb photos related to different cities and islands located on the border of this gigantic ice pack. One can display the two map zones (due to the lenght of the itinerary, one was not enough) in which the expedition will unfold.

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232 KB

- Progression Map n°1, New Siberian Island -> North Pole vincinity. On this map, we follow day by day the progression of the pair Hubert - Dansercoer (from February to mid-April probably).

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- Progression Map n°2, North Pôle -> Ward Hunt (Ellesmere Island). On this map, we follow day by day the progression of the pair Hubert - Dansercoer (from mid-April to June).

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